Saturday, June 9, 2012

Photography 41-44/365: Walking the weather, dry, morning moon and pyjama party

I'm glad to see people are not scared of a little bit of rain. They go walking anyway.

41/365: walking the weather

manual, metering: center, 1/100, f10, iso: 800, focal length: 26mm


Love being cosy in my car as the storm brews outside.

42/365: dry

manual, metering: center, 1/100, f10, iso: 800, focal length: 38mm


That moon of ours has been so bright - in the morning.

43/365: morning moon

manual, metering: center, 1/100, f36, iso: 1600, focal length: 55mm


Every morning we have a pyjama party in the lounge - usually starting around 6:30am. There is only one person who is smiling at this party.

44/365: pyjama party

manual, metering: center, 1/100, f5.6, iso: 1600, focal length: 55mm


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