I use GIMP - a free and open source software image retouching and editing tool (because Photoshop is just damn expensive, ya know?). GIMP is great, and I can pretty much do everything that Photoshop offers.
I've also been challenged this week by Latte Junkie with the theme for Lyrical Sunday. I rummaged around at work in our little shared library (a few shelves worth of books people have donated) and pieced together a stack that I photographed with my trusty iPhone.
This is a simple 2 layer job, nothing flash. I touched the flowers layer first with a 50% contract to make the colours more vibrant so they would "pop" out under the books layer.
14/365: book spine poetry
Beneath the knowledge wave,
Tourism, technology and competitive strategies,
The chewing-gum rescue and other stories.
Be cool, designated targets!
Your money or your life,
Success to the brave,
Crossroads of twilight.
Joining in this week with Lyrical Sunday - Book Spine Poetry.