Monday, February 13, 2012

Geek Stuff: Blogger - create a gadget box above the header

Usually the Header element (in Designer mode viewing Page Elements) for Blogger is at the top. I wanted to add a gadget (e.g. HTML/Javascript gadget, or Text gadget) above this, like so:

To achieve this do the following:

  1. Go into the layout mode of your Blogger blog and select "Edit HTML."
  2. Scroll down to the bottom where the header widget code resides (or do a browser Find text "maxwidgets").
  3. Change "maxwidgets=1" to "maxwidgets=2"
  4. Change "showaddedelement='no'" to "showaddedelement='yes'"
  5. Lastly, change "locked=true" to "locked=false"
  6. Return to Layout and look at the Page Elements. Notice "Add a Gadget" is now available above the Header.


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